Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Abortion Conversations

This is a series of videos addressing varies issues of abortion to students at ASU:

Stephen Wagner of Justice for All discusses the questions of when life begins and is it fair to compare abortion to the holocaust with a student on the ASU campus.

Abortion Conversations– When does Life Begin? Does Abortion Compare to the Holocaust? from Evan Davis on Vimeo.

Stephen Wagner of Justice for All discusses the question of human rights and whether it is justified for the strong to oppress the weak with a student on the ASU campus.

Abortion Conversations– Does Might Make Right? from Evan Davis on Vimeo.

Stephen Wagner of Justice for All talks with an ASU student about choice.

Abortion Conversations– The Right to Choose from Evan Davis on Vimeo.

Stephen Wagner of Justice for All asks a university student what her views are on late-term abortion.

Abortion Conversations– Should Third-Trimester Abortions Remain Legal? from Evan Davis on Vimeo.

Stephen Wagner of Justice for All talks with an ASU student about what point in development the unborn gains rights.

Abortion Conversations– At What Point Does the Unborn Gain Rights? from Evan Davis on Vimeo.

Stephen Wagner of Justice for All discusses the question of whether the unborn is a human being with a student on the ASU campus.

Abortion Conversations– Is the Unborn a Human Being? from Evan Davis on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Mel said...

wow these are very interesting!!