Monday, October 13, 2008

Important Issues to Consider

This is not one of the pass along letters you see on the internet - from who know where stating crazy facts. This is a letter one of my father's dear friends personally wrote. I know he has done his research and all the statements he makes are factual. It's really important to know the issues and not just vote with the party you've always voted with. I send my prayers too that everyone will carefully consider and pray about all the issues. We need to realize what kind of "change" Obama will bring to our beloved America.

"Dear Family and Friends,

I'm on my soapbox again. It has been awhile, and I can resist the urge no longer. There is just too much at stake in this election. This will take some time to read. I hope it is worth it to you.

Obama runs on "Change." The change that is coming if Obama wins (and it looks like he will) is the kind of change that will grind on your principles, your standards, and the constitution.

(This is rather long, as it outlines 13 separate issues with overlapping consequences, all of them very debilitating to American standards of life. Just read the underlined heading, if it is too much to read it all.)

On every issue, there is no one so illiberal as a liberal.

Abortion (attack on the Family, Church, and Courts): The worst evil in our society is abortion. I mention it first. There is little mention, let alone discussion of abortion, which has killed millions. Abortion is the liberal litmus test in appointing/approving judges at any level, especially the Supreme Court.

-Obama never met an abortion that he didn’t support, nor an anti abortion judge that he did. Obama even voted to deny medical care to babies born alive, after surviving an attempted abortion.

-Liberals don’t like the word ‘abortion,’ calling it “a woman’s right to choose.” However, they didn’t like Sarah Palins ‘choice’ to carry her impaired baby to full term and deliver him into her loving arms. So, it is really abortion, and not choice.

Homosexuals-Gays and Lesbians (Family, Courts, Boy Scouts, Marriage, Church, Society): Democrats will advance homosexual lifestyles and award special preferences, as Demo mayors and governors march in solidarity with homos as they strut their immorality.

-Read the reasons for supporting Prop 8 in California. The gay agenda is evil, and with abortion assaults the family and the church.

-For those who remember Bill Clinton's administration, Boy Scouts were reviled by the MSM (Main Stream Media), politicians, and judges, because of BSA’s refusal to allow gays to be Scoutmasters.

-There will be major attempts to legislate (including judical decree) for gays, all the rights and privileges of marriage. Any effort to retain the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman will be obliterated. Homos already enjoy the same rights we have, including the right to marry someone of the opposite sex.

-Bill Clinton blindsided America with homosexuality. As Commander in Chief, he revised military code to allow homos to serve in the armed forces. It was one of the very first acts of his administration, but was never part of his public campaign.

-Society has long tolerated gays, by turning a blind eye to their conduct. Look for that to change, as ludicrous liberals enact laws supporting homos, which infringe on your rights, a form of reverse (perverse) discrimination.

Labor Unions (Secret Ballot/Vote, Involuntary Recruitment by Thugs and Goons): Unions, long the darling of Democrats, unions will benefit from new powers of organizing, dictating government contracts, and in laws.

-Say goodbye to “right to work” laws (Colorado has already caved on this issue, where unions came up with $12 million, mostly from out of state, to fight it. Reminds me of the NEA/UEA and the school voucher fight in Utah.)

-Say hello to “Card Check.” The Democrats will give unions power to organize workers under what is called, Card Check. Card Check does away with secret ballot (a sacred American right under the constitution) to determine union representation. (Therefore you must involuntarily pay $100's monthly in union dues). Should a worker not publicly sign with the union, be assured that union goons and thugs will persuade him, even visiting him and/or his wife and family, perhaps even under cover of darkness...until he is persuaded. His home and right to work will be violated. This is a direct assault on freedom, sponsored by the Democrats to win the union vote. (A noteworthy opponent of Card Check is George McGovern, former Democratic Candidate for President.)

First Amendment freedom of speech is at risk. Democrats have already tried to reign in conservative talk radio, which they despise...must be how I feel about CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and (my tax supported) NPR.

First Amendment freedom of religion is at risk. Liberal Democrats do not understand the constitutional role of government regarding religion, which is to protect religion and keep their hands off the church. Liberals see religion as an enemy of sorts, standing in the way of their anti-God agenda and because of that, the liberals wish to take away Churches' rights (constitutional rights, I might add) to speak out on political issues affecting religious values and beliefs.

-Liberals define everything as 'political', and this, in their minds, prohibits church from speaking out on issues of value, which oppose their platform.

-Have you happened to see the U-Tube of Obama making light of Biblical passages? Remember, he claims to be a practicing Christian.

The Supreme Court is at great risk in this election. Currently, three liberal supreme court justices are anticipating retirement as soon as there is a Democratic President to replace them -- with liberals who will legislate from the bench. If you have seen court decisions that rankle you, it will only be worse, and worse for a long time, if Obama is elected.

Second Amendment right to bear arms: Fortunately the Supreme Court made a significant ruling just this year, which will be hard for the liberals to immediately overturn. You probably remember Obama’s remark about “people who cling to their guns and their religion.”

Terrorism and The security of the USA is at risk. Every President is tested, and the next President will be tested.

-Democrats I have seen in office have been weak in national defense issues. Think Jimmy Carter and Iran; think Jack Kennedy and Lindon Johnson bumbling around Viet Nam (think also Democratic Congress which cut off funding and lost that war); think Bill Clinton and the eight terrorist attacks on US interests which he didn't answer but much belatedly and then only slightly (each time to deflect headline attention from the Monica Lowinsky scandal).

-Now, Republicans: Think Eisenhower and Taiwan; think Nixon and Viet Nam (which war was being won until the Dem's in Congress cut of funding...see above); think Gerald Ford and Grenada; think Ronald Regan -- freeing the Carter era American hostages in Iran, cooling Panama’s dictator, ending the Cold War, and stopping Lybia's terrorism; think George W. Bush and Desert Storm; think Bush H.W. Bush and 9-11… After his response, there has been no further terrorism on our soil.

-Remember, the next president will be tested. Will it be McCain, or Obama? Which party do you want to respond to it?

The Democrats will worsen economic problems: Tax increases and other income redistribution schemes will shrink the economy. Pure and simple -- Your paycheck will be smaller under the Dems. Jobs will be lost.

-Bill Clinton justified taxation as “reinvestment in America.” That must be the way Democrats and liberals look at taxes.

-Obama has voted 94 times to raise taxes (per Sarah Palin). Joe Biden tried to explain that away. But, even Joe can’t explain away 94 votes. Biden said, “Past is prologue.” He is right. Obama will increase your taxes.

-The current credit crisis started with Bill Clinton’s 1976 (circa) law, the “Community Reinvestment Act,” which required lenders to give mortgages to risky borrowers. It was a bad law, so there are bad consequences, as we have seen the $700 billion bailout. (Business makes money writing mortgages, every mortgage, and business took advantage of the law. What else would you expect? …however, none of the greedy are Democrats!)

Housing and Health Care: Socialism is coming. You will see it in health care, and housing.

-Obama will trumpet the $700 billion bailout and make it the platform to enact socialism of sorts…to ‘protect the poor and punish the rich,’ in housing and health care. It will amount to a great socialistic redistribution of resources.

-Health Care is nearly here and will be here quicker with Obama. His involuntary health care plan is proof.

Energy (Economy, Jobs, Security): Shortages will not be solved under the Democrats. They could be solved under the Republicans, if the Dems would cease to obstruct in Congress, and the “greens” would cease to obstruct in the courts, drilling and refining oil. Oil, nuclear, and clean coal, have proven to be effective, and are birds-in-the-hand. An energy policy along these lines will put people to work, and keep our money at home (instead of giving it to the Arabs), and help the economy.

-The Dems reject all three of these, opting for “bird-in-the-bush” green energy in wind farms and solar, and bio-fuels. (Did you know that bio-gasoline is only slightly energy positive? It takes nearly as much energy to convert corn to bio-fuel, as there is energy in that fuel.)

Immigration - illegals will be given new and greater benefits, the easier to bribe them into voting Demo.

Race - If you like racial preferences and reverse discrimination, you will love Obama and the Dems. (Frankly, I thought racism was a problem in decline in this country, until I saw Obama's minister, and Obama's sickly response (acceptable to the MSM).) Judging from Obama and his minister, it looks like racism is OK if you are a black man.

-Obama has stated his distaste for 'ballot initiatives'. I.E., he doesn't approve of the voters limiting racial preferences and restricting gay marriage.

Now, if you agree with this, send it to your friends. If you don't agree, send it to your friends.

May God bless America, preserve and strengthen the family, the constitution, and the privilege to worship God openly.

Sincerely, David Hullinger, October 9, 2008"

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