Wednesday, November 26, 2008

One life saved

One baby saved out of seven million babies a year who are aborted in China is a significantly small amount, but it still is one life and I'm sure that child will be grateful for his one life that was spared.

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one."-Mother Teresa

"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." -Mother Teresa

"Chinese officials have caved to international pressure and will now release a woman who is pregnant with her third child.

"She's been released now because the world is watching," he points out. "But as soon as the world blinks I'm afraid this woman could be rearrested and…[the child] forcibly aborted. She is by no means out of the woods."

According to Mosher, if she does have the baby, it will have to be in a government hospital because it is illegal to deliver a baby elsewhere. "And when she goes to the hospital to give birth they may very well take that baby and give it a lethal injection while it's being born," he warns. "That happens all the time in China."

China plans to continue the forced abortion population control program another 42 years."from:

"What will it take to jar Chinese leaders out of their long-standing fiasco of a family-planning strategy? ... Instead, however, once again the response has been to suppress dissent and soldier on with a policy that has provoked violent protests in the countryside and exacted a terrible price in human life.

Riots in the southern province of Guangxi this month over the one-child policy - implemented in 1979 to curb China's runaway population growth - are only the latest manifestation of that policy's inherent inhumanity. The unrest also serves as a reminder of its erratic and sometimes brutal implementation, which has led to forced abortions and sterilizations. At the same time, there are signs that because of the woeful lack of sex education in China, young women are increasingly turning to abortion - often multiple times - as a favored form of contraception. ...

According to a report last month on National Public Radio (NPR) in the United States, dozens of women in Guangxi have been forced to have abortions as late as nine months into their pregnancies. The report, which ran on NPR's Morning Edition, described the harrowing ordeal of Liang Yage and his wife, Wei Linrong. The couple already had one child but wanted a second. But, according to Wei, in the seventh month of her pregnancy, family-planning officials forced her to abort her child in a Baise city maternity hospital. The Christian couple do not believe in abortion.

An unmarried 19-year-old woman, He Caigan, told NPR that her forced abortion occurred just days before her scheduled delivery. The report also cited an anonymous witness who counted 41 occupied beds on one floor of the same Baise city hospital and said he believed all the women on that floor were there against their will.

Forced abortion is against the law in China. ...

According to the International Planned Parenthood Association, there are about 7 million abortions per year in China. But the association's estimate is based on spotty Ministry of Health statistics that probably undercount the number of abortions performed at public hospitals and do not count any of those performed at the country's private hospitals, many of which openly advertise their abortion services despite a government ban on such advertisements last year. Women who take abortion pills are also not counted. In the end, abortions could be nearly twice the official figure. "from: Asia Times

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