Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Student unions ban blood donation advertising posters... because they discriminate against gay men

Yes this is for real... If you think you heard everything and can't be shocked - read this...

"Two student unions have outlawed the National Blood Service, claiming it discriminates against gays.

The service does not allow active homosexuals to donate as they are at ‘high risk’ of carrying blood-borne viruses including HIV and Hepatitis B, although this policy may be relaxed in the future.

Greg Du Bois, union president at Sunderland University, said: ‘They don’t allow gay men to give blood and that has been determined as not a satisfactory reason.’

But the move has been condemned by those who have relied on the service for life-saving procedures.

She said the rule could cost lives and that 'it would be a tragedy if the boycott meant that people didn't donate blood'.

Mrs Olley, from Houghton-Le-Spring, Tyne and Wear, added : 'The blood service needs more people to donate blood. It wouldn't stop an entire group from donating without good reason.

'In order to assure the continued safety of the blood supply, we currently ask that those in groups shown to have a particularly high risk of carrying blood-borne viruses do not give blood.

'While safer sex through the use of condoms does reduce the transmission of infections, it cannot eliminate the risk altogether."
- from:

and states:

"The next logical step after applying affirmative action to the blood supply will be forcing us all to get transfused with AIDS-infected blood, so that we can attain equality by spreading the disease around — the mirror image equivalent of the impending Obama economic policies. - When everyone has AIDS, we will be equal at last."


Anonymous said...

"The next logical step after applying affirmative action to the blood supply will be forcing us all to get transfused with AIDS-infected blood, so that we can attain equality by spreading the disease around — the mirror image equivalent of the impending Obama economic policies. - When everyone has AIDS, we will be equal at last."

That' That is possibly the most ignorant thing I have ever read.

g.c. said...

Great, I get attacked again for posting an article. Better send the "HATE" police to shut down my web site.

My friend's son who has cancer and needs blood transfusions can now get AIDS since apparently it is discriminating to protect the blood banks from disease.

I hate to tell you that gays have a very high risk of carrying blood-borne viruses. You can argue and cry about all you want, but it is a fact.

In order to assure the continued safety of the blood supply, the red cross currently asks that those in groups shown to have a particularly high risk of carrying blood-borne viruses to not give blood.

Now why would gays be so high risk?

Why don't you check out website and read the post from Up Your Alley and find the answer. This post may be more entertaining for you than my small blog. -

The answer to this question is called "unprotected anal sex", and Yes its high risk for AIDS/HIV.

Check out these articles -

Quotes from the site about the statistics...

"As I demonstrated from the statistics above, gay sex is 160 to 290 times as likely to lead to HIV/AIDS as heterosexual sex."

"When one third of gay men will contract HIV/AIDS during their lifetime, how can we say that this is an activity that can be made safe?"

"If any other activity, besides gay sex, led to such a high risk of infection of a deadly disease, there would be a huge campaign to get people to stop that activity. It would be made illegal."

Check out this site - it is from
a homosexual organization -see I read both sides :) -
"California Homosexual Organization Admits HIV/AIDS is "Gay Disease"
"The Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center has abandoned a long-held homosexual activist contention by declaring on billboards posted throughout Southern California that HIV/AIDS is a “gay disease.”

According to a report by the Los Angeles Times, the Center is trying
to address rapidly increasing HIV infection rates among the homosexualpopulation by rallying the gay community to increasing vigilance against exposure to the disease. Activists for the homosexual lifestyle have, until this current development, strongly, and sometimes vehemently refused to admit that the disease is predominantly generated among homosexual men'." - read the rest of the article here:

Here's another interesting study about STD and homosexuals -

STD Increases among Gay Men Reported at National Conference

"Researchers at the conference released several new studies confirming reports of increased STD risk behaviors and infections among men who have sex with men (MSM) in certain U.S. cities. Several researchers noted that STD increases among MSM might be due to increased risky sexual behavior following the success of anti-retroviral therapy for treating HIV/AIDS and the perception that HIV is no longer a serious problem. Many researchers also called for new and effective approaches to prevent STDs among MSM." read rest of article here:


"One-Third of HIV-Infected Gay Men Have Unsafe Sex: CDC
12.03.07, 12:00 AM ET

MONDAY, Dec. 3 (HealthDay News) -- Two new U.S. studies of gay and bisexual men who know they are infected with HIV show that more than one-third have recently had unprotected intercourse.

In many cases, these men are engaging in unprotected sex with other HIV-infected men -- a practice called "serosorting," where partners with a similar, HIV-positive blood test status decide to forego condoms.

However, "we also found that almost a third of the men -- 31.4 percent -- said that they had had unprotected anal intercourse with at least one partner of unknown serostatus, and almost a quarter had unprotected intercourse with a partner who they knew was HIV uninfected," said the lead author of one of the studies, Dr. Kenneth Mayer, medical research director at Fenway Community Health, in Boston." read rest of article here:

hmmm, seems high risk to me....

but I guess posting the facts - is HATE speech...

This is a very interesting topic - I will do a post on this very subject... (thanks for the suggestion)

By the way I didn't write: "The next logical step after applying affirmative action to the blood supply is...." did (this was noted in the post). If YOU are so unhappy with what HE wrote - don't complain to me about it, please go and tell HIM, send him a comment/complaint. I am sure he and all of his readers will be SO HAPPY to hear from you. Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ross, here's an article for you to read:

If your commenter (Ross) is numerically challenged, he may want the following link:

Sounds as though he (Ross) can't make much sense of data...

I can't tell if the glazing over that has occurred in the eyes of your commenter is from the blinding tidal wave of evidence against his lifestyle, his hatred for moral Judeo-Christian principles, or perhaps still the numbing Obamitis lingering from another a-moral president-to-be... Could be syphilis though... Similar idiotic rantings could be found from an infected, numbers challenged, hate filled individual. Or perhaps just a liberal. In any case, these facts will only sting if the IQ of the recipient is above 70... Darn, I think I wasted some typing.

Anonymous said...

My IQ is 167, thanks, and I had to check back to see whether you continued distorting and lying by omission--that would be a 'yes.' Didn't admit that straights have AIDS, eh? And no, I don't have syphilis. I am actually celibate right now, as I have had mono.

Where do you get your stats, by the way? Fox News? Another right-wing blog? Referencing your own posts hardly proves a point.

And 'Obamitis'?? I actually voted for Hillary in the primary--not that it makes much of a difference in Montana.

Also--not filled with hate. Mostly incredulity.

Anonymous said...

OOh, incredulity, I feel so dirty. 167, That's even higher than Albert Einstien! Its an honor to speak to you, Mr. Mensa.
First, you need to look at the references better when facts are cited. CDC is hardly a Fox sister company. And as for the rest of the stats, hmm, I can't find Fox News listed there either.
What stats do you have to counter such incredulity?
Are you asking the Red Cross to amend its stand on Intravenous drug use donors?
Why not?
As for the syphilis thing, if you read carefully, I covered your current condition as a liberal. My stats come from your side, where will you get yours?
That's OK, I trust your 167 will find something. Heck, with 167, you should write your own stats!
Thanks, I bow to you Mensa One!

g.c. said...


I ALWAYS state all my sources in my posts - so try reading for a change. Look at the sources that I have referenced in my blog for more info. Is that too hard?

For this particular question -I stated all of my sources, and they are articles that are based on studies done by CDC (that would be the Center for Disease Control and Prevention) - I hate to tell you that is a reliable source.

I even put in a statements from The Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center for your benefit.

- by the way I didn't quote "Fox News" here or get any of my stats from them....

You are not giving me any sources or facts about how "AIDS is not a gay disease or How it is NOT a problem in the gay community anymore."

Actually your train of thought is exactly what other gays are thinking and it is leading to the increased number of HIV/AIDS in your community. See this study: "Alarming finding on HIV in gay men - Most in U.S. study unaware of infection" found at

Did you read any of the articles?

I NEVER denied and the articles NEVER denied that straight people get AIDS. The articles addressed this fact as well. You would know that if you bothered to read them.

Heterosexuals with AIDS is more common now due to bisexual/gay men spreading it into the heterosexual community. "A 'bisexual bridge' has been a cause for concern in the past because of the possible spread of HIV into the general population" from:;jsessionid=JhNJnSSspTK2tcXg

AIDS statistics stated here are based on this fact sheet from the U.S. Center for Disease Control. (

The point here 1 out of every 3 gay men who live the lifestyle will acquire AIDS/HIV.

That is a high risk. period.

"A third of men who lead a gay lifestyle will become infected with HIV/AIDS. Using the same analysis, only 0.08% of the non-gay-male U.S. population (in other words women and men who are not gay) acquired HIV/AIDS from heterosexual sexual contact. Thankfully, in the United States, HIV/AIDS has been rare for people who are not gay and who don't use intravenous drugs.

As I demonstrated from the statistics above, gay sex is 160 to 290 times as likely to lead to HIV/AIDS as heterosexual sex. So yes, gay sex is risky and straight sex is relatively safe. That's what the numbers tell us."

Let state the facts again that are based on statistics from the Center for Disease Control.

Approximately 33% of gay males in the U.S. who live the lifestyle will be infected with AIDS/HIV, and .08% of the non-gay-male U.S. population acquire HIV/AIDS from heterosexual sexual contact. (not 8%, not .8% (which is just barely under 1%) but .08%.)

To explain it in simpler terms: Studies done by CDC have shown us one out of every three gay males or 3300 out of every 10,000 gay males who live the lifestyle will be infected with HIV/AIDS and studies done by CDC have shown that 8 out of 10,000
non-gay-male U.S. population acquired HIV/AIDS from heterosexual sexual contact.

Facts show that Gay men who live the lifestyle are high risk to acquire HIV/AIDS.

The Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center is trying
to address rapidly increasing HIV infection rates among the homosexual population by rallying the gay community to increasing vigilance against exposure to the disease. It has declared: throughout Southern California that HIV/AIDS is a “gay disease.”

Why is HIV increasing in the gay community?

"Two new U.S. studies of gay and bisexual men who know they are infected with HIV show that more than one-third have recently had unprotected intercourse.
'We also found that almost a third of the men -- 31.4 percent -- said that they had had unprotected anal intercourse with at least one partner of unknown serostatus, and almost a quarter had unprotected intercourse with a partner who they knew was HIV uninfected'." from:

"The vast majority of young gay and bisexual men in the United States who were found to be infected with HIV in a new study were unaware of their infection, according to findings reported at the International AIDS Conference on Sunday. The rates of unawareness among minority gay men age 15 to 29 in the study were staggeringly high. Among those studied, 90 percent of blacks, 70 percent of Latinos and 60 percent of whites said they did not know they were infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Most of these infected men perceived themselves to be at low risk of being HIV-positive, despite having engaged in frequent high-risk sex like unprotected anal intercourse, said Duncan MacKellar, an epidemiologist from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, which conducted the study." from:

Didn't distort anything here, just quoted from studies done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Just some facts for you to think about...

g.c. said...

Ross -Please do not leave any more hate comments on my blog as I will delete them immediately.

You don't want to learn any facts, and I gave you amply time to provide something of substance... this is all I got:

You spew hatred against Christians for their beliefs when you cannot provide an ounce of evidence that Christianity teaches and promotes hate.

You deny facts about studies done about the homosexual lifestyle being a high risk of HIV/AIDS. Facts and studies by the CDC don't lie. Bury your head in the sand, maybe you'll be one of the lucky 2 out of 3 that doesn't get HIV/AIDS.

You state murder of the innocent is justifiable because "we had too many people on the planet as is".

You complain about your second class life that you have been forced to live but provide me with no proof of how any of your rights are taken away.

Your logic is so twisted: (i.e. people that support the prop 8 marriage amendment are hacking onto other 'Yes on 8' websites to put up lesbian porno. - I am sure that people that support a common cause (marriage) are trying to destroy that cause (marriage) - doesn't make any sense????

You haven't provided me any substantial facts of any sort and all of your arguments are extremely weak.

You tell me you are happy, but All you do is spew hatred. Find another liberal hate blog that doesn't have any substance - then you can spew your hatred with them.