Monday, November 3, 2008

Please Watch This Video Before You Vote!

I received the letter below and video from my sister-in-law...
Click here:

or here:

As I watched the video, There are so many questions I would like to ask the American people who support and endorse him... WHY???

Where is he from - Is he even a US citizen? Why does Obama want to cut our national defenses? Why does Obama think he can negotiate with Terrorists - a global ban on nuclear weapons, Do you Terrorist are really going to go for that? When did Terrorist start following rules? Who are Obama's friends? How did he pay for Harvard Law School and all his over seas trips? Did you know that Obama has a background in radicalism and has very radical friends - that he rather not talk about? What exactly is his "change" - do you even know what he stands for? Do you know how Hitler took over Germany - find out - it is very similar.

The video - show actual footage of what Obama stands for; it is very well documented with lots of news clips, videos, articles, etc.

It really breaks my heart to watch this video. What are we Americans doing? It's been known that history repeats itself, and I fear that's what we are doing. I've read "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer and it is so similar to what we are doing today, that it scares me.

Watch the video before you vote - it is well worth your time.

"Today I got this video from Hal Netkin, a "watchdog" I have known and supported for about 10 years. Hal is Jewish, is married to a Latina who illegally emmigrated from Mexico in 1989 (now a proud U.S. Citizen), and Hal and his wife have three adopted daughters whose combined ancestry is Mexican, Honduran, and Filipino. An older daughter of Hal's is married to a Black-American, and Hal's brother's wife immigrated from El Salvador . Suffice it to say, Hal is not a racist kook. My wife, Maria persisted in nagging me, until I watched it. I thought I was pretty well informed. Instead, I was shocked by my reaction.

This compilation of news videos definitely has an axe to grind. It is presented in an order that makes a very compelling case for its premise. It fills in huge information gaps which are kept secret by Obama - such as his education.

But it is a collection of facts that Obama himself could not and would not want to deny. Most of it is public statements by Obama and members of his sphere.

All I can say is to quote Hal, "If you still want to vote for Barack Obama after watching this 55 minute video, then you are 100% hypnotized -- and if you are not going to vote for the lesser of two evils (McCain), then you are suicidal."

No matter how you feel now - you will thank yourself for taking the time to view this prior to the election instead of later. or

Please spread the wealth and forward this."

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